Made virtual gallery space with Probuilder, added sound mass models/animations to gallery unity
Checked in with Noah and Tak on Sound Mass composition
3d printed bubbles model
Carol help session on Unity lighting settings(fog), post processing effects(post process layer/post process volume on centerEyeAnchor)
4/15 Wednesday
reorganized sound mass models and imported .blend and .fbx with animations from Blender to Unity
3d printed concentric squares sound mass model
built test app for Oculus Quest
4/14 Tuesday - Day 29
Reprinted form I extra fine
Fixed form I UV map in blender, fix Unity model target + animation size issue, sync animation with audio in Unity
3d printed spiral for sound mass
4/13 Monday - Day 28
More sound mass models and animations
Office hour with Ben on 3d print finishings
In and out of reality class on event system, animator, collider, particle system
3d printed 2 models
Updates Noah and Tak on sound mass technique
4/11 Saturday - Day 27
Created more models for Sound Mass form
4/10 Friday - Day 26
recreate form II image target to improve on trackability
Created more models in blenders
4/9 Thursday - Day 25
Office hour with David
form I match dimension of model target and animation model
image scan raycast highlight
Office hour with Sarah
get really good documentation
further user testing with documentation not on concept but on work of art
focus on deepening/polishing existing forms
4/8 Wednesday - Day 24
Office hour with Robby
Fixed fractal shader gradient problem
Migrate Unity assets from V2018 to V2019, built and ran on device
4/7 Tuesday - Day 23
Exported Noteflight score MIDI to Garageband, generated Form I audio using Clarinet
In Unity, animated texture offset of Model target’s overlay model’s shader with audio source current playback position
Quick and Dirty show
Coherence of visual style of objects in an exhibition setting
Continuity among the interactions
why do I care? what's the headline? where am I in this concept ? - state in the beginning
What's the one underlying big concept that connects all the forms, articulate in the beginning and reiterate in the end, for each form, state which facet of the concept I'm relating to
Form III what’s player’s goal ?
Form II - texture of the music is metaphor, interesting and rarely heard composing technique for a lot of people, make 3d object animation as prototype without physical model
Form I vs IV good contrast between classical and synthesized sound
Form III website more usable
Thesis small group meeting with Andrew, Jackie, Adi
minimal explanation on references more focus on my own process
juxtapose all the forms with minimal descriptions for each one
Jackie’s portrait of me as a potato on zoom
4/6 Monday - Day 22
Office hour with David on Form I animation
Watched UV unwrapping tutorial
In Blender, created a UV map for Form I model by unwrapping the horizontal surface of the mobius strip to flatten out one full loop across the map, used a gradient play head(PS) as image texture for the UV map, in Unity, applied UV map to the texture of unlit/transparent shader
4/4 Saturday - Day 20
Tested Form I object tracking reliability
Decided on Form II image
prepared design files for laser cut
replaced image target/audio in Unity
4/3 Friday - Day 19
Office hour with Yotam for conceptual feedback
Update form III score layout
Reward desirable behaviors instead of imposing restrictions
Player is the conductor, system is the orchestra. Player should have more authority and freedom over how the piece progresses.
Natural mapping between images and sound
Progression in the sections, intro - dev - ending
Concept transcends platforms - pivot to proof of concept with Max/MSP or web interaction
4/2 Thursday - Day 18
Office hour with Gabe on image detection stability of minimal patterns
solution 1 - pivot to using Max/MSP to get a working demo of concept
solution 2 - adding complex border/background to each pattern
Discussion with Tiri
waiting time between activations - listen and observe the change and progression of the composition
layout of grids as sections allows more interesting possibilities in the same section, can have multiple variations of the same pattern/instrument, adding more layers of similar sounds in the same section
certain decisions up to the players, but using rules/instructions to constrain
“The balance between the constrained and free, the ordered and open”
Form II use of color spectrum to match with audio frequencies
updated form III scores
Learning progress
2 hour Unity shadergraph workshop
Maths for Artist class homework - sketch exploring fibonacci sequence
4/1 Wednesday - Day 17
Created series of image patterns for graphic scores for form III
Meeting with Noah and Tak on the updated form III system
Finalized fractal images to use for form II
3/31 Tuesday - Day 16
Office hour with Sarah + thesis group catch up
Thesis meeting with Nancy
Generated procedual fractals in Blender
3/30 Monday - Day 15
Research on pivoting form II and form III
Studied Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis
Sound mass technique
Fibonacci sequence in music
Stockhausen - Klavierstücke, Variable form
More drawings for form III
Dinner - Fried chicken and cauliflowers
3/29 Sunday - Day 14
ARKit vs Vuforia image tracking reliability test + comparison
3/28 Saturday -Day 13
more research on developing system for form III
Some projects that mirror approaches of In C with small collection of elements and up to player to build into larger piece:
The repeater orchestra, loop random number of repeats before moving to the next
3/27 Friday - Day 12
Meeting with Reese
Fixed audio clipping issue using granular synthesis
Tested 9 image targets
finished Netflix show Unorthodox
3/26 Thursday - Day 11
Sketched patterns for form III
Office hour with Robby - what is the constant in the composition????
Maths for artist class - Fibonacci sequence & golden ratio, book “Quadrivium”